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Bedtime stories are amazing! 

Right ???

Do you miss the fun of your childhood when your grandmother, grandfather, mummy, daddy used to tell a story at night? And you insist them to tell one more story after a story. You never get bored. Right? After listening same stories for thousand times. It felt the same when you heard them for the very first time.

Bedtime stories are great way to relax the child’s mind after a long day. With simple plots, characters, settings with amazing and life changing morals. It not only helps your baby to sleep peacefully but also add great way to make them understand between the good and bad. 



King Midas And The Golden Touch

Long, long ago in the Ancient land of Greece., there lived a king called Midas. He was fair and just king and he ruled his kingdom wisely. The people were prosperous and content. The king had one little daughter called Marigold, whom he loved dearly. Princess marigold did not have a mother and she too loved her father more than anybody else in the world. One day as king Midas was returning after doing a survey of his kingdom he found Silenus wandering alone, close to the border. Silenus was God Dionysus’s best friend. The King brought him to his palace and treated him like a royal guest. When Dionysus realized that his friend was missing, he set out to look for him. He was overjoyed to see Silenus being treated so well. ‘I must repay your kindness to my friend’, he said thanking king Midas. “I shall grant you a wish”. King Midas face lit up with excitement.  A wish! Gasped ‘whatever you like’ beamed the grateful Dionysus. Midas thought hard. Trembling with excitement, he said “let whatever I touch turn to beautiful yellow gold’.  Are you sure? Dionysus was amused. Think again. You may regret it. I am prepared to take risk said the king firmly. Then it’s done. From sunrise tomorrow morning your slightest touch will turn everything into gold. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Dionysus warned as he left with silenus, Midas was very excited. He could barely sleep that night. He kept wandering if Dionysus promise would come true. At the break of the day, he jumped out of bed. The moment his feet touched the floor it turned into gold. Gingerly he touched his bed, his pillows, the couch and like magic everything turned into beautiful yellow gold. The king’s heart began to race. He rushed out of his place straight to the garden, he stopped to pick up a flower And Lo! He was holding a golden bloom in his hand. King Midas ran round the garden touching everything he could see, the pebbles, the bushes, the fountain even the fountain froze into a golden spray. The excitement was too much to handle.

He soon realized that he had not had a drop of water since morning. Hurrying back into his palace he announced, ‘ lets have a feast to celebrate my new fortune!’ But what was happening? The moment he raised a glass of clear cold water to his lips, it become solid gold. The bread turned into gold. The juicy red apple became hard and shiny and yellow.  The biscuit, the tea, the cake all was gold, gold, and gold. He pushed back his golden chair in dismay. I’ll give everything I have turned into gold, for just one sip of water and a bite of bread. Oh what I have done! How foolish I’ve been, he groaned while pacing up and down the huge dining hall. Just then, his little daughter came running into his room and before he realized it, she was in his arms. Tears streamed down his face as he felt the apple of his eye stiffen into a cold golden statue. He left his palace in his garden, weeping bitterly, he prayed for Dionysus to appear before him. Miserable Midas threw himself at the Dionysus’ feet and begged him to undo the magic. “Are you sure you longer wish to have golden touch”, asked Dionysus. “No, I have learnt my lesson. I no longer think gold is the greatest thing in the world”. King Midas wept and kept on pleading with Dionysus. Finally relenting, Dionysus said, “Go and have bath in the water of River Pactolus. You will become normal again and sprinkle some of that water on everything that has transformed into gold. The king rushed to the river and hurriedly had a bath. Filling a pitcher with that water from that river, he sprinkled it on Marigold first. Instantly, she returned to her normal human self and gave him a kiss. The king went around the palace sprinkling water on everything he had touched. Then he and Marigold sat down for a delicious breakfast, food never tasted so good before.


Princess And The Pea

Once upon a time there was a very prince who wanted to marry a princess but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled through the whole world to find one real princess. But there was always gone something wrong. There were princess enough but it was difficult to find out whether they were real princesses. There was always something wrong about them which showed the real princess is yet to discover. So at last he came home in despair and was sad for he wanted very much to have a real and true princess. One night a terrible storm came. There was thunder and lightning and the rain pour down from the sky in torrents.  Suddenly a knocking was heard at the door and the king went out to open himself. It was a girl standing out there in front of the door. She was wet and shivering but was a gracious sight the rain and the wind made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes, it tickled into the toes of her shoes. “I’m a real princess” she said. “Well we’ll soon find out” added the old queen. The queen wanted to test if she really was a real princess. So the queen asked the servants to took all the bedding off the bed instead and add a tiny pea on the bottom then she layered twenty mattress and twenty quilts on the top of the bed. This was the bed in which princess was to sleep. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. Oh! Very badly she said. I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. I don’t know what was in my bed but I was lying on something very hard so that I am black and blue all over my body. It has hurt me so much. It’s horrible! Now, they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and twenty quilts on the bed. Nobody but a real princess could be sensitive and had such a delicate sense of feeling. And the Prince married her and made her his wife. For now he knew he married a real Princess.  And the pea was kept in the museum where it is still being seen if no one has stolen it.


The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time in the woods there was a mother pig living with her three little happy piglets in a small house. The years pass by and the little house became too small for them to live in. As they growing older their mother pig asked them to seek their fortune as it was the time for them to stand individuals in the world. On next morning the three little piglets said their goodbyes to their mummy and decided to build their own houses to be independent and strong. After coming a long way they found a piece of land suitable for their houses. It was full of flowers, chirping birds and beautiful colorful butterflies and other animal. Though they all were tired, the elder piglet decided to start building his house with solid bricks as he knew in the woods nearby there was a wolf who like to catch little piglets and eat them up. The first two were very lazy but their brother was smart and a hard working pig. The other two piglets were busy in playing and chasing butterflies. When elder piglet’s house is finished the other two piglets also decided to make their own houses before the weather turned colder. The youngest piglet is determined to build his house with straws and the middle piglet made his house of sticks. They made their houses  very quickly. When their houses were finished, they all sang and danced happily the whole day. After having a great day they all went into their house to take some rest. As the younger pig was resting in his house the bad wolf came and knocked his door and asked him to open the door otherwise he will huff and puff and blow his house. But the younger piglet was relaxing and didn’t open the door. And in rage the bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew his house. The little piglet got sacred and hid in the house of sticks made by his middle brother piglet.  The bad wolf came to this house and he huffed and puffed and blew this house too in minutes. Both the terrified piglets ran to their elder brother piglet’s house. The bad wolf followed them and came to the house made of bricks. The bad wolf tried to huff and puff and tried to blow the third house down but he could not. He kept trying for hours but he failed as the house is strong and all the three pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter from the chimney but the third pig was smart enough and kept the pot of boiling water below the chimney. The bad wolf fell into it and died. Now the two piglets felt sorry for being lazy and they made their houses of solid bricks and the three piglets lived happily ever after.


The Ugly Duckling

It was a bright sunny afternoon. Mother duckling found a lovely spot under a tree by the pound to lay her eggs. She laid five eggs. Suddenly she noticed that one of her egg is little different from the other eggs. She got a little hurried. She waited for them to hatch. One fine morning at last, one after another, the eggs began to crack. Peep, Peep, they said. All the eggs had come alive and the ducklings were pocking their heads out into the big world. All broke except one. The mother duck thought what happened to the fifth egg? She got worried. This last egg is taking such a long time, she said. She sat on the egg and gave it all the warmth that it could give. This would be the most beautiful duckling of all from all, since this taking so much time to hatch. One fine morning when the egg broke, there came out an ugly grey colored duckling. Peep, Peep, the duckling was different from its other siblings. it was very big and rather ugly. None my other ducklings looks like that, this one is perhaps different. The mother duck was surprised to see her and was very sad. Mother hoped that one day she would become just like her siblings. But days went by and the duckling remains different. Though she loved her all the ducklings equally, the other ducks in the pound made fun of the ugly duckling. The ugly duckling was so upset that he left his family. Soon some mice found him. They took the duckling with them and kept him in their house. The ugly duckling remained sad and unhappy. One mouse said, “Friend you have your own qualities and others have their own. Don’t feel so bad. But the ugly duckling did not understand. Seasons passed and it was summer. One day the ugly duckling was swimming in the water when he saw some swans passing by. “How I wish I was like them said the ugly duckling.  Just then one of the swans looked down and started flying towards the ugly duckling. “Oh no they are coming to towards me”, cried the ugly duckling in alarm and bent his head down in shame. When he bent his head he was surprised, he saw that he was no longer the ugly duckling but a beautiful Swan. The ugly duckling at last found his family and his qualities.


The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once there was a shepherd boy who took flock of sheep up on the mountain to gaze on fresh green grass. While sitting there but he was feeling very bored. One day, an idea came to his mind, he thought of playing a prank on the villagers. He started shouting “Wolf came!.. a big Wolf came!… please help Wolf came. Listening to this, all the farmers who were working under the hill came up running with their sticks to help the boy but when they reach there, there was no wolf. They became very angry, but the boy when he saw the farmers and he started laughing and making fun of them. By watching this all the farmers were very angry and scolded the boy that if next time you play such pranks, we would not come to help you. Again the next day the boy played the same prank. He started shouting Wolf came! Wolf came, please help. Wolf came. And the farmers ran up the hill again to help the boy but there was no wolf again. The boy fooled everyone.  Farmers were very angry and they left in anger. He laughed and laughed, seeing that he fooled them again.  After few days the shepherd boy took his flock of sheep on the hill to gaze on fresh green grass. And this time actually a really big wolf came. And wolf started attacking all his sheep. The boy got scared. He started climbing the tree to save his life and then he called for help. He cried “Wolf came! Wolf came please help Wolf came Wolf came.  But all the farmers did not trust and came to help the boy but the wolf attacked all the sheep and killed them one by one. The shepherd boy returned home crying.  After looking at all this, the shepherd boy realized that lying is a bad habit. If you lie the people will not trust you. And from that day onwards, he promised never to lie again.


The Dog At The Well

Once, a dog and her pups lived on a farm. On the farm, there was a well. The mother dog always told her pups never to go near or play around it. One day, one of the pups was overcome by curiosity and wondered why they weren’t allowed to go near the well. So he decided to explore it and find out what it has inside it. He went down to the well and climbed up the wall to peek inside. In the well, he saw his reflection in the water but thought it was another dog. The pup wagged his tail and the puppy in the well did the same. Then the pup held his paws up and the dog in the well did the same again. The little pup got very angry and furious when his reflection was imitating him, so he decided to fight it. The little pup jumped into the well, but there was no dog but only water. He began to bark and bark until the farmer came to rescue him. The pup had learned his lesson and never went back to well again. He understood to always listen to elders and don’t defy them.


The Other Side Of The Wall

Once upon a time a young girl inherited a beautiful garden from her grandmother. It was huge and beautiful and full of different and colorful flowers. She also loves gardening. She was very proud of her garden. One day she went to the market to buy some new flowers for her garden and she met a lady selling seeds. She said “these are the seeds of beautiful flowering creeper plant. If you will plant it near the wall, it will take support of the wall and grow. Take these, your garden will become more beautiful”. The girl thought for a while and then decided to buy the seeds. She bought them and merrily came home. She planted them by the back wall of her garden. It was a wall that she shared with her neighbor. Her neighbor couldn’t walk but they would often talk to each other from behind this wall. Her neighbor’s own garden has become a dry patch of land as she couldn’t move a inch and cannot take care of it. Many months passed but the girl tended to her creeper plant everyday and with each day, the pant become bigger and bigger but it didn’t flower. Not a single flower grown on it. Frustrated by the only plant that did not give her flower she decided to cut it. Next day she came up with her axe and about was to chop the tree. Suddenly she heard the voice of her neighbor behind that wall. She thanked the girl for such beautiful and lovely flowers. The girl surprisingly said “flowers! What are you talking?” Yes, Flowers! They are very beautiful, I feel so happy every time I see them” said her neighbor. The girl rushed to the neighbor’s house. She saw that the creeper from her garden had pushed through the cracks and holes in her wall and was growing on her neighbor’s side of the wall. And it was full of the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen in her life.


The Tale Of Two Pots

Long time ago there lived a hard working water bearer. He had two large pots. He used to carry water to his landlord’s house every day. The water bearer hung on the ends of a log these pots to carry it. Both the pots are of same size and are made up of same mud. But one pot had some cracks on it and therefore it was leaking while the other pot was perfect. One day as the water bearer was carrying the perfect pot said to the leaking pot “Ha ha ha, you are broken and are no use of to the owner. You waste more than half of how much eater he carries. I am more useful, I’m more helpful to him than you are. I’m superior to you. The perfect pot felt greater all the time and mocked the leaking one so the leaking pot felt very bad that it is not being able to be useful to his master. It felt ashamed that it cannot carry water like the perfect pot. One day when the water bearer was carrying water like always the leaking pot said to him, “Dear master please exchange me for a better one”. “But why?” said the water bearer. The leaking pot continued saying, “I’m not able to carry all the water and the cracks in me are leaking it. I’m a burden to you and I’m of no use.” The water bearer understood its misery. He said, “Don’t feel bad. Look at the flowers next to you.” The pot turned to its side with curiosity. It was surprised to see them. Then the water bearer said, “If you observe it those flowers are only on your side and not on the opposite side. When I’m carrying water I make sure that the water you are leaking goes those flowers. It means that you are only water those flowers which are used in prayers. If you will not leak, there will be no flowers for god. Now, you understood how useful you are. The leaking pot thanked the water bearer. The perfect pot heard all the conversation and it felt guilty and sorry for mocking the leaking pot. It apologize to the leaking pot saying, “For the way my friend, I insulted you by stressing your weakness, I realized my mistake. Water bearer heard it all and said, ”you both are useful to me and have your own qualities. Now, let’s work together”. And they lived all together happily ever after.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and pop! Out of the egg came up tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He started to look for some food. On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry. On Tuesday he through two pears, but he was still hungry. On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry. On Thursday four strawberries, but he was still hungry. On Friday he ate through five oranges but he was still hungry. On Saturday he ate through an ice cream, pizza, sausage, cheese, lollipop, cake and that night he had stomach-ache! The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice leaf and after that he felt much better. Now, he wasn’t hungry anymore. Now he wasn’t hungry anymore and he wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore. He was a fat caterpillar. He built a house called cocoon around himself and stayed inside for more than two weeks and then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon. Pushed himself out and he was a beautiful butterfly.

The Ant & The Grasshopper

Once it was a beautiful sunny day. It was summer season. The sun was shining bright up in the sky.
 A grasshopper was singing and dancing and enjoying the summer season and suddenly an army of ants passed his way. Bringing  food to their hill every day. The ants with all the hard work and effort were taking particles of corn home. The grasshopper said, “Instead of working all day, why don’t you sing, dance and enjoy this summer season with me. The army of ants was very intelligent. The ants said, “We are gathering food for the winter season. Winter season will approach soon and It will be snowy everywhere.  You should also store some food for you and for your family. What will you give your family to eat and stay during the winter season? The grasshopper replied, “I have lot of food for right now, why should I think of winter season. And autumn season came soon. The ants were still working but the grasshopper still did not care. The ants were very intelligent. They did not pay attention what did the grasshopper said. They gathered more and more food. Time went by and along came the winter. And the wind gave a cold icy chill. Snow fell down and there was no more sunshine. The poor grasshopper did not have any place to stay and any food to eat. So the grasshopper went up the hill to the ants. The grasshopper cried, ”I am cold, I am wet, I am hungry and I’m sorry I played all the days away.” The ant reminded him what he had said earlier but the ant was very helpful. They welcomed him. They offered him some food to eat and a place to stay. The grasshopper thanked the ants and said in the future seasons, work comes then he’ll have time to play. “


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