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Does your child is a picky eater?

Do you find difficult to convince your child to eat more fruits and vegetables? Do you also find that your child is not getting proper nutrition ? Does your child is a picky eater?  Are you worried about your child's protein?  Are you perplexed how much protein is enough for your child? When it comes to nutritional vegetables and fruits, carrot plays a vital role in the growth and development of children. Making carrots a part of yours baby's plate is not straight forward and is always a difficult part. Here is how with a short story with hidden importance of carrot you can introduce to your baby.   Carrot And The Rosy Cheeks Once upon a time, there lived a King and a Queen who gave birth to a little princess who had such a beautiful rosy cheeks that no one who saw her could help loving her. As the little princess started growing up, she started becoming very fussy, Scarlet loves something for weeks and then suddenly hate it. Ever since she was a child, she really loves to pl


  Bedtime stories are amazing!   Right ??? Do you miss the fun of your childhood when your grandmother, grandfather, mummy, daddy used to tell a story at night? And you insist them to tell one more story after a story. You never get bored. Right? After listening same stories for thousand times. It felt the same when you heard them for the very first time. Bedtime stories are great way to relax the child’s mind after a long day. With simple plots, characters, settings with amazing and life changing morals. It not only helps your baby to sleep peacefully but also add great way to make them understand between the good and bad.   RELATED:  HOW TO ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILD TO LISTEN STORIES   King Midas And The Golden Touch Long, long ago in the Ancient land of Greece., there lived a king called Midas. He was fair and just king and he ruled his kingdom wisely. The people were prosperous and content. The king had one little daughter called Marigold, whom he loved dearly. Princess marigo


  Do you remember how much you enjoyed listening stories from your grandparents,parents, aunts and uncles...... We used to forget the world and lost in the world of fantasy. It was magical right??? Those were the stories that helped us learn some important lessons of our lives. They taught us about the good and bad and also had a great hand in making us the person we are today. But now as the technology is invading our lives, the art of story-telling has become rare. As parents how much time do you spend on telling stories with your child? Stories play a crucial role in cognitive growth and development of infants and young kids. Stories are not only fun but also develop a great bond between you and your child. Through stories you can introduce new words, develops literacy and also improves your child's vocabulary. It boosts your child's listening skills, sharps memory, foster their imagination, and stimulates curiosity. It helps to understand new or frightening events and the