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When I think of gross motor skills or development, I think of the use of our big muscles which involves legs and arms. It includes bigger movement such as rolling over, jumping, climbing, hopping, running etc. It referred as skills which enable them to control, improves themselves and their large body muscles, like Torso, legs, hands, shoulders, head, arms and helps in develop good posture. It is a movement of whole body structure where a child tries to move its all parts of the body that helps to build stamina, strength and flexiblity etc. It plays a major role of expanding the scale of learning which impacts one’s ability to cope up with the surroundings.

Here, Gleeful Grow has shared most top 10 Gross Motor Skill Activities cum fun games which will help your child to grow and develop and enables them to acquire skill during early childhood, helps the involvement of each and every part of the body to carryout everyday tasks.


1.     Move like an animal

This activity will entertain kids anytime anywhere. This activity will build motor skills and encourage creativity, physical activity and develops curiosity in children.

This game can be played with any number of kids (from a single toddler to an entire birthday party)

Here are the simple sample instructions which you can use while playing your child :

·         Bounce like a puppy

·         Crawl like a turtle

·         Jump like a kangaroo

·         March like an ant

·         Run like a Cheetah

·         Slither like  a snake

·         Waddle like a worm

·         Chomp like an alligator

·         Chew like a cow

Prep Time: Zero

Entertainment Time: 15-20 minutes

2.     Indoor Hopscotch

It is a fun activity gives kids the perfect excuse to hop and jump and move around when they are cooped inside.

Hopscotch is a simple way to practice gross motor skills like jumping, balancing, letter or number recognition and memorization skills. Hopscotch is the game we all must have played in our childhood, and we love it. All you need a coloured tape, spacious hall, don’t forget the bean bag for aiming.

Prep Time: 5-7 minutes

Entertainment Time: 15-20 minutes

Energy Expanded: a lot


3.     Copy Me

It is a fun game to practice following directions often known as simon says. This classic follow the leader game helps kids gain control over their muscles and teaches them about the parts of their body. In this game one person is appointed as simon who would say simon says….followed by some actions or activities to do so. (e.g. “simon says clap your hands, turn around, snap fingers, pat your belly etc:,) Toddlers love showing that they can follow the directions and do so many different things. Ensure children standing with enough space between them so that no one is hurt.

Prep Time: Zero

Entertainment Time: 10- 15 minutes

4.     Yoga

Yoga is the best thing to introduce your child in early years. Practicing Yoga in early years strengthens body, improves postures, inculcates focus and develops motor skills


5.     Lemon and Spoon

Balancing is the ability to maintain control of a particular body position while doing something. This game is enjoyed by people from all age groups but still it is commonly enjoyed among the children.

 In this game a child has to hold a spoon in the mouth. The lemon need to be balanced on the spoon. This is a great activity of balancing while walking.

Prep Time: Zero

Entertainment Time: 15- 18 minutes

6.     Treasure Hunt

Children love exploring , discovering new things.. So here is the fun game to play with your child at home. Set some clues in different spaces of your house and ask your child to find it. If your child is near to that clue you can say You are Hot.. and if your child is far from that clue you can say cold…. This game builds problem solving skills. While we know it exercises the mind during problem solving, it also have a way of exercising the body. Afterall your child will run in the entire house trying to solve the clues.

Prep Time: Zero

Entertainment Time: 15- 18 minutes


7.     Go on a texture walk

This is a great activity for your child’s senses. It helps your child to explore the touch and feel everything. Start by collecting things which are soft, hard, rough, and bumpy and so on. Create a path with the different kinds of objects include water, sand, leaves, etc. This is an amazing activity for your child’s development. This activity not only encourages gross motor skills like walking and balancing but also develops fine motor skills of your child.

Prep Time:  10 minutes

Entertainment Time: 10- 15 Minutes

8.     Pillow Sumo Wrestling

This is a fun yet super interesting game. Children really enjoy this. All you need is grab a pillow from your couch. Tie this pillow around your child and let him/her wear an oversized t shirt. And done, now you can allow your child to wrestle and have fun without getting hurt.  

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Entertainment Time: 15- 18 minutes

9.     Go Bowling

If your child enjoys bowling then you can create a DIY Bowling set at home with just some waste plastic water bottles.  This game builds eye-hand coordination, improves motor skills, enhances problem solving skills, builds on confidence and also builds core strength.

Place ten waste half filled plastic water bottles.  And let your child hit the bottles “target” with the ball. This is great fun game for kids at home. And if you want to make it more interesting you can colour the bottles and also add some difficulty level to play by placing the target little far from your child.

Prep Time: 5-8 Minutes

Entertainment Time: 12-15 minutes

10.                         Musical Statues

This is a fun game that you have probably played at some point in time. In this game the child will listen to the music and pay attention whenever the music will stop, he/she will stop and remain still like a statue until and unless the music plays again. If the child moves and caught by the leader then he/she will be declared out from the game and the game will continue with the remaining children. As children dance, they exercise large muscles in their legs and arms. Develops coordination, control and learn balancing.

Prep Time:  2 minutes to turn on the music

Entertainment Time: 20- 25 minutes

To sum it up Gross Motor Skills development is very essential for growing kids, these not only help improve them physically but can also help them build important attributes like confidence and social skills.

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  1. Very motivational n inspiring to each and every age group of child.

  2. Awesome
    I read all activities which are very helpful for kids development.
    In this pandemic time parents are worried for their children's holestic development and these gross moter skills are really engaging and interesting for kids.
    I really appreciate your work ma'am please share more activities like this.
    Keep it up👏👏👏


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