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Research states that Introducing yoga at an early age can help them learn healthy lifestyle habits and set foundation for a fit future. An early age child does not need to have skills of yoga, they just need to start and yoga will become a part of their life. Yoga will definitely change their lifestyle in a positive way. It keeps them active, focused and also balances their mind and body. 

Gleeful grow helps you to introduce 20 fun yoga poses to your kids and also tell you about the benefits of each asanas (yoga pose) and instruction to do the asanas (yoga pose) correctly.  

Here are some fun yoga poses for kids; they are easy, quick and safe for everyday practice. 

Yoga Poses For Kids

1.     Boat Pose (Naukasana)


It is a huge stress reliever. It also improves digestion, stimulates kidney, thyroid and strengthen your thighs and lower back.

How to do:

·         Start by sitting on the ground.

·         Bend your knees.

·         Lean back and lift your feet up.

·         Your chin is should be parallel to floor.

·         Extend your arms forwards straighten your legs so that your body makes a V- Shape.

·         Now you are a boat.

·         Be one for the next thirty seconds.


2.     Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

This one is not too hard depending on your flexibility. Bow pose is miracle for stretches for whole front and back of your body while additionally it also improves your posture and strengthens your spine, stretches chest and work on your flexibility.

How to do:

·         Just lie flat on your stomach then grab your legs.

·          Bend your knees lift your thighs.

·         Take a deep inhale lift your chest and look forward.

·         Grab your reach your ankles.


3.     Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

The bridge is another essential pose for beginners. It manages to stretch both front and the back of the body and also improves blood circulation and digestion. This pose also helps to release stress and opens up lungs.

How to do:

·         Lie on your back with your knees bent up.

·         Lift your back up towards the ceiling and hold this position.

·        yup! its preety straight forward..


4.     Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)


This pose provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs. It stretches the back torso. 

How to do:

·         Take one table top position by pressing your hands and knees in to the floor.

·         Spread your fingers apart.

·         The knees should be below the hips and toes curled.

·         The wrist and elbows should be straight.

·         Round and stretch your back and tuck your tailbone.

·         Central the head in a neutral position with eyes looking at the floor.


5.     Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This pose reduces symptoms of flat feet. Chair pose stimulates the heart, diaphragm and abdominal organs. It stretches chest and shoulders, strengthens hips, ankles, calves and back.

How to do:

·         Stand tall like a mountain with your feet together.

·         Bend your knees forward while exhaling and your thighs should be parallel to the floor as you lift your arms towards the ceiling.

·         Your palm should face each other.

·        Hold this position for couple of seconds.


6.     Child’s Pose (Shishuasana)


It’s the best resting pose for any stress and tension releases. It also helpful to do it in between difficult exercises to calm down your body and mind. Plus it improves digestion release back and neck pain and stretches your hips thighs and ankles.

How to do:

·        Sit on your knees on the mat

·        Lower your head to the floor with your hands reaching forward or rested by your side.

·        Now relax.  


7.     Tree Pose (virkhasana)

If you are completely new to the world of yoga, practicing this pose is definitely a great starting point. It improves your balance and teaches you how to breathe correctly. Tree pose also strengthen and tones the abs, ankles and inner thigh tree pose also strengthen and tones the abs, ankles and inner thigh.

How to do:

·        Stand tall with your feet together.

·         Slowly lift your right knee up gab it.

·        Now place your right foot on the inner thigh.

·        Lift your arms up to the sky with your palms together.

·        Do the same thing with the left leg raise.


8.     Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) 


This pose strengthens your back and open up your chest and shoulders. It also decreases stiffen in your lower back.

How to do:

·         Start from the downward facing dog.

·         After come forward into the plank.

·         Then bend your elbows then slowly lower your hips down to the floor.

·         Roll your shoulders back and gently list your upper body.


9.     Downward Facing Dog ( Adho Mukha Savasana)

This is one of the main poses in most types of yoga it works, stretches and strengthen your entire body. If it’s too hard for you, you can bend your knees little bit.

How to do:

·         Get on the floor keeping your wrist below your shoulder and your knees under your hips.

·          Then tuck your toes under.

·          Press your hands into the floor

·          Straighten your leg to bring your bum up towards the ceiling.


10.                        Easy Pose (Sukhasna)


“Sukh” meaning “easy” or “comfortable”.  “Asana” meaning “pose”. This pose is very easy as it‘s name. All you need to do is relax and focus on your breathing . Sukhasna calms the brain and reduces anxiety. It strengthens the back, relieves mental and physical fatigue.

How to do:

·         Sit on the floor and cross your legs.

·         Place your hands on your knees in “gyan mudra” or you can join your hands close to your chest.

·         Close your eyes and relax.

·         Make sure your head should be straight.

·        Hold up for few seconds and focus on your breathing.


11.                        Butterfly Pose (Baddha konasana)

It is a fun and playful pose. It gives the great stretch for the inner thigh. Butterfly pose improves blood circulation in the lower body and maintains healthy bowel movements.


How to do:

·         Sit on the floor.

·        Bend your knees.

·         Bring your feet inwards with the soles of your feet touching together.

·        By pressing your thighs and knees down towards the floor flap both legs up and down just like the wings of a butterfly.


12.                        Corpse Pose (Shavasana)


“Shava” means “dead body”. Hence this asana is known as corpse pose. This asana relaxes nerves and the brain. Removes fatigue and calms emotions.

How to do:

·         Lie down on your back with your legs apart.

·         See that your body is in a straight line

·         Your arms should be by your sides slightly away from your body.

·         Keep your palms turned up.

·         Close your eyes.

·         Breathe normally.

·         Let every part of your body relax starting from your head to toe. Stay for 2-5 minutes.


13.                        Mountain Pose (Parvatasana)


 This pose may not look like much but keeping your body active and aligned is hard work.  Mountain pose improves your posture and body awareness, strengthens your legs.

How to do:

·         Stand up straight tall with feet at hip distance apart.

·         Lift your toes and gently sway back and forth for about a minute.

·         Relax shoulders and keep your back straight.

·        Now you are a mountain. Be one for the couple of minutes. 


14.                        Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana)

It is also known as the queen or mother of all the yoga asanas. It promotes growth and refreshes your body. It improves the functioning of vital organs and nerves.

 How to do:

·         Lie on your back.

·         Bend your knees and bring it towards your chest.

·         Raise your hips and legs off the floor.

·         Support your back with your palms.

·         Straighten your legs and keep them together.

·         Let only the back of our head, neck. Shoulders and upper arms touch the floor.

·         Keep your toes pointed.

·         Remember to breathe normally.


15.                        Warrior Pose (Virbhadrasana)

Warrior pose strengthens legs, arms, shoulders and back. It opens hips, chest and lungs. Improves focus balance and stability.  

How to do:

·         Take a really wide stance.

·          Rotate your hips so that your right leg is in front of you and your left leg is behind you.

·         Bend your right knee so that your chin forms a straight vertical line.

·         Roll your shoulders back, lift your chest and reach your arms with your palms together.


16.Plank (Kumbhakasana)

Nothing can help up with the effectiveness of a workout a plank can do. The plank is actually one of the rare exercises that not only strengthen your core but also work for your entire body. It can be pretty difficult to hold but controlling your breathing is a nice little trick and makes this exercise is little easier.

How to do :

·         Start by getting in to a push up position.

·         Now place your forearms on the ground so that your elbows are right below your shoulders.

·          Make sure that your body forms a straight line from head to toe and that’s it. You are planking.


17.Upward plank (Purvottanasana)


It stretches your upper body improves your balance strengthen your arms, legs glutes and core. Just like regular plank, control your breathing to make it easier.


How to do:


·         Sit on the ground with your legs straight in front of you and your hands behind you

·         Lift your hips while keeping your toes press to the floor

18.Seated Forward bending (Pachimottanasana)

This pose is awesome for stretching your lower back as well as your hand strings. It opens up the entire body and teaches you how to breath in an uncomfortable position. Helps with headaches and anxiety and reduces fatigue. Just make sure to keep your back straight and do the pose correctly

How to do:

·         Let’s get back down on the floor.

·         Sit down with your legs together straight in front of you.

·          Now start to lean forward from your waist reaching for your toes.

·          Once you reached your limit as far as stretching goes.

·          Hold it for the next thirty seconds.  


19.Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This pose strengthens your hands strings and your back, it also opens your hips and rib cage.


How to do:


·        For this pose start by lying on your back

·        keeping your feet on the floor and your knee should be straight then lift your upper body

·        Sliding your hands under your hips and your forearms and elbows close to your sides of the body.

·        Lift your upper back off the floor.


20.Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

This exercise does exactly what it sounds like. This pose helps improve your digestion and release toxic gas from your system. Yup! Hence the name. For muscles it mostly stretches your lower back and strengthens the spine.


How to do:


·        Lie on your back.

·        Bring both knees up to your chest.

·        Press on your lower abdomen by holding your knees tight in your arms.

·        Then, raise your head, neck and chest and bring them close to your knees.

·        Hug yourself in this position for the next thirty seconds.  


  1. Wow yr this is really awesome ... I will definitely going to try it.. ( as a adult also)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Thank you for appreciation. Do share it with your family and friends. :-)

  2. Fun and easy poses to do with kids.

  3. Wow ❤️ informative contentπŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. Appropriate way of staying healthy and wise

  5. This is really fun for kids , u are doing fabulous job . Keep going πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Š

  6. This is really fun for kids , u are doing fabulous job . Keep going πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜Š

  7. Wow very helpful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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