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Do you feel that in this pandemic when schools are closed your child misses their teachers, friends and the fun in the School? Do you feel the learning has become slow as you are busy with your office work, board meetings and household chores? Do you feel guilty that going to work sometimes feel like a respite from the chaotic environment at home? Now, you want to spend quality time with your child by also adding learning. You are probably looking for ways to engage your child at home and continue this learning during break. I have just the right thing for you.

Here are some incredible fun learning activities to support your child’s growth and development.

1.    Play Dough Modeling :

Modeling with play dough, clay is always a childhood favorite activity. It is great sensory and learning experience. You can create your own play dough.


You need:

·        2 Cups plain flour

·        1 tablespoon salt

·        ½ cup oil

·        2 cups water

·        Food coloring


Method: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and knead It until it becomes a smooth dough. Your own DIY play dough is ready.


How to perform:

Let your child choose what actually he wants to make with play dough. Encourage him to make Shapes, Alphabets, and Number of his choice. You may sit with him and assist or have fun making your own shapes.


2.    Water Balloon Painting :

Water balloon painting is fun to do and is another way to add great textures and techniques in your child’s activities.


You need:

·        Water balloons

·        Water colors

·        Drawing sheet/ canvas


How to perform: 

Fill some water in water balloon, you may help your child to tie the opening so that the water doesn’t spill. Let your child  dab the balloon or drag or roll them to experiment with water balloon on the drawing paper.


3.    Finger Painting:

This activity is very basic yet creative. Finger painting activity is traditionally the messiest activity a child can do. But is a great way to encourage learning of colors with fun at the same time.


You need:

·        Water color

·        Color palette

·        Drawing sheet/canvas


How to perform:

Draw any shape, pattern or drawing on the drawing sheet. Now, help your child to take some water color in the color palette and let your child paint with his fingers.


4.    Sand Play:

Children love to play with sand. Sand play is always so much fun and I believe that the more exposure children have to messy, more sensory exploration will take place.


You need:

·        A tub filled with sand

·        Toy animals

·        Natural items from garden such as leaves, twigs, and stones


How to perform:

Let your child play in the sand. Encourage your child to, make sand castles etc.

You can also hide toy animals, leaves, twigs and stone in the sand and ask your child to find the items.


5.    Rock Monsters:

Rock paintings are fun to do and great to look at. It easily encourages imaginations of your child.


You need:

·        Rock/ marble/ Small stones

·        Water colors

·        Painting brush

·        Glue

·        Googly eyes


How to perform:

Let your child color the rock with different bright watercolors. Now, help your child to paste googly eyes and your child’s own creative rock monster is ready.


6.    DIY Bead Jewelry:

It is great sensory and numeracy activity can be done by children. It stimulates curiosity, encourages imagination and help understanding numbers.


You need:

·        Beads

·        Elastic/ Embroidery thread


How to perform:

Give your child some beads and encourage him to string the beads in the embroidery thread. Help your child to tie a knot at the end. Now ask your child to count the number of beads he put in the string. You can replace pasta or macaroni by beads and color them to add more fun. 


7.    Splatter painting with toothbrush:

It is an action art loved by kids. It is one of the best creative activities for kids.


You need:

·        Old toothbrush

·        Water color

·        Drawing sheet/canvas

·        Rabbit template (or any template)

·        Masking tape


How to perform:

First place a newspaper below the drawing sheet as it can be a bit messy with young children. Paste the rabbit template on the drawing sheet with the help of masking tape. Then ask your child to dip the brush into the water color and help your child to flick or tickle the bristles and the paint splatters onto the paper.


These creative activities will help you to keep your energetic child happily engaged for long. By embracing these fun and frolic play based learning activities not only encourage exploration, curiosity, imagination, physical, social cognitive development but also develop his motor skills, reasoning skills, and observational skills.


Do you like the article? Do mention which is your child’ s favorite activity and also share which DIY activity you do with your children for their learning?



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